Our partner:



What we do in omlox

Squadrone System has been part of the omlox consortium since its inception. The company has shared technical specifications and needs to facilitate the navigation of indoor robots and more specifically drones. The objective of participating in omlox is to offer high performance and unparalleled ease of use in order to promote the development of robotic solutions that meet the needs of industry. The company works closely with the omlox technical team to test, integrate and improve the performance of localization technologies and software in indoor environments.

What we offer

We help our customers to significantly increase their operational efficiency with indoor and outdoor drone solutions for data collection, transport and air action. Squadrone System is a designer and manufacturer of professional custom-made drones for complex use cases. We have in-house software and hardware skills to automate and integrate drones in our customers' environments.

Our clients call upon us for two main needs:

They wish to significantly improve their processes: automation, security, productivity, connectivity, asset traceability.

They have a business challenge, wish to create innovative solutions and recurring business with a solution built for their end-users.

The partnerships we set up take several forms, and we intervene at all stages of project maturity:

  • Preliminary project
  • Experiments / POC
  • Co-development of prototypes
  • Prototype testing and validation
  • Certification, industrialization
  • Production and maintenance

Contact information

We design and build intelligent tools that increase our customers operational efficiency.

We enable everyone to benefit from automated tools for data capture, transport and action from the air – indoors and outdoors. These tools need to integrate deeply into the ecosystem of connected devices and existing business software applications.


Email: sales@squadrone-system.com

Social Links

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/squadrone-system/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/squadrone_syshttp